A full stop punctuation is a dot symbol also known as period that marks the end of a declarative or imperative sentence.
When a sentence does not end in a question or an exclamation mark, you should use a full stop (also known as a period) as the final punctuation mark.

Did you know?
Full stop means discontinuation while two full stops placed vertically which together make a colon means the exact opposite: You guessed it right, continuation.
You may learn more about English symbols, what they mean, how they work, when to use a full stop punctuation, color, comma, semi colon, dash (hyphen), period, etc. by talking to some native English speakers. Practicing is the key to success, if this is what you are looking for, then why not – join the above chat room.
The full stop, also known as the period in North American English and the full point in Commonwealth English, is one sort of punctuation mark. One of its most typical functions is to mark the end of a sentence containing a strong assertion (as distinguished from a question or exclamation). The conventional meaning of a full stop is limited to its use at the end of a sentence. Although the word “full stop” strictly applies only when the mark is used to complete a sentence, not all modern style guides or dictionaries preserve this difference, which has been made at least since 1890s.
Period in Acronyms
The symbol can be used singly to indicate missing letters or in a series to indicate missing words by forming an ellipsis (…). It may come just after the first letter of a name, or it could be spread out among the letters of an initialism or acronym (e.g., “U.K.”). However, it is becoming less common to use a full stop after the letters in an initialism or acronym, and many of these have become standard practise without a period (e.g., “USA” and “WHO”). This trend has progressed more slowly in American English than it has in other forms of the English language.
It is customary to use a period after the final letter of a shortened term. Common truncations include Rev. and Rev.d are not used, however truncations like Rev. are in British English (in American English it is used in both cases).
A point is a punctuation mark used as a decimal point and in other contexts wherever English is spoken. Whenever a full stop would be inappropriate, this symbol is substituted instead. A dot in computer parlance. It’s also called a baseline dot to distinguish it from an interpunct (or middle dot).
Full stop mark In Chat
A small study conducted by researchers at Binghamton University found that young chatters interpreted as insincere those text messages that ended sentences with full stops as opposed to those with no terminal punctuation, though the researchers noted that their findings only apply to this medium of communication. Handwritten notes were shown to be unaffected by the research.
Full Stop Punctuation in Maths
The dot glyph appears in both numerical presentation options, but may only be used in one at a time.
Among native English speakers, the point serves as a visual delineator between whole numerals and their fractional (decimal) components.
When the number is sufficiently large, the comma is used to split the whole number components into groups of three digits each.
Last Updated: November 1, 2023
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